Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's been a week (almost)

Technically it's Wednesday, which means Morgan has been at school for a week, and we have been in our 2011-2012 school year for one week. Homeschooling is going great so far, isn't it always the first week?? LOL. I really have been impressed with howon top of things the kids seem to be this year.

Jeffery is a junior in high school. (I know! I can't believe it either!) He's taking Human Anatomy and Physiology, Algebra II, American Government, British Literature, Grammar, and ACT prep. These classes will be a lot of work, and I'm sure he's going to do great! Jeffery is singing in choir again this year, and has joined Lifelight Youth Theatre.

Christopher is a freshman in high school. (Wow! How did that happen?? It seems like just yesterday he was itty bitty...) He's taking Algebra I, American History, American Literature, Grammar, and Biology. He's still involved in choir and Lifelight, and is joining band this year.

Tori is in 8th grade. She has Pre-Algebra, Grammar, Physical Science, American History, American Literature, and Health. She is still involved in choir, Lifelight, band, and piano lessons. For first semester she is also taking some dance classes. A very busy young lady who is going to be learning time management skills along the way!

Ben is in 6th grade and tackling the Eastern Hemisphere forhistory and geography this year. So far he is loving it! He will also be studying the Land Animals, health, math, and grammar. Ben is doing Lifelight and continuing on the trumpet in band this year.

Morgan is doing very well at Lindenwood! He loves all of his classes... mostly. He has a cultural anthropology that is going to be a tough class. If last year's Comp I with Hickenlooper is any indication, however, Morgan succeeds in classes that are tough. I've been really proud of how he has handled himself so far. He was inchurch Sunday, he's studying, he's getting where he needs to be when he needs to be there. I know what you're going to say: he should be able to do those things, he is 18 after all. "Morgan was born older." Isn't that what I've always said? Hehe. He has grown up into quite the young man!

As promised, here are some pictures of his dorm. (I forgot to get pics after they had everything set up. After the outside visitors ban is lifted in a few weeks I'm hoping to get back in there and take some pics. We'll see.)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Move in day!!

Well, we did it. We drove the van full of Morgan's stuff, while he drove his car full of his siblings to Lindenwood and moved him in. It was a day full of high emotions, although I did my best to hide them. (I wonder if Morgan noticed them or not? I don't know...)

I am so proud of him, of the young man he has become, of the choices he is making lately!

God showed Himself to me in so many ways today! For example,
*Not only is his roommate, which is his best friend, a Christian, so are most of the guys in the rooms immediate to his.
*When we saw Dr. Mueller (Morgan's advisor) during the coffee clutch. After telling me how wonderful Morgan did as a dual enrolled student last year, she told me how wonderful he is. Then she told me when I'm having a Mom moment, I'm more than welcome to call her. This blew me away! I was expecting the whole mentality of they are adults, you need to deal, and LU has not given us that at all!
*Because we are down to one car, we rode back to Warrenton with a dear friend. The entire forty-five minute drive back, Tina and I were able to relate to each other what we were feeling.
*Just seeing Morgan in that environment, I saw completely that he is absolutely in the best place right now, he is in the center of God's will!

It was fun to help him unpack, to meet the guys around him (some of which we already knew!), to eat dinner with him this evening, and walk around the campus. It was such a tremendous blessing to see how at ease he is there. I do believe my favorite part of the day was when Jeff, Morgan, and I were standing in a circle praying together right before we left. There was just something so sweet about it.

A good friend posted on my facebook wall this message : ‎"A Mother's job is to teach her children to not need her anymore. The hardest part of that job is accepting success!" (stolen from a friend's status this morning. i honestly think God had her post this so it could be passed on to you.) and just letting you know that i'm praising God for your success - morgan is an awesome young man.

This sums it up so clearly! Do I think he is done needing me? No, I'm 40, married, have one grown son, and still have four more kids at home, and I still need my Mom. Do I think my role in his life has changed? Absolutely! Tonight after we got home I opened his door to shut the light off, and saw the pillow he left. I held it, smelled it, sat down on his floor and cried. I'm going to miss him, we all will. I have a feeling we'll all spend a good amount of time in that room. But I wouldn't want him in any other place. He's exactly where he needs to be because he is where God wants him!

Tomorrow we start the new school year. With four kids. That will be different. And we will make it awesome! Please pray for Morgan at school,and pray for our family as we adjust to a new normal. I'll post Move in day pictures tomorrow, as it is after 1am, and I do need to get up in about six hours. :)