Friday, August 29, 2008

B's Dr. appointment

We just got back from B's doctor appointment. The EEG still shows the spikes, translation: he still has epilepsy. We did talk to the dr about his migraines. Dr gave us samples of perscription medication we are going to try. He also told us about an over-the-counter "medication" for prevention, that is actually not a medication. It is a mixture of vitamin B-12, coenzyme Q-10, and a couple other ingredients. We are going to look into the preventative if B doesn't respond well to the perscription. We'll see.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Choir Camp

This year three of our young'uns are involved in the choir with the homeschool group. Part of choir is camp, four days a week, Monday through Thursday. The youngest two go from 10:30- 11:30, the middle one goes from 2:45- 4:15. Did I mention they are held at two different churches in two different towns???? I am so completely exhausted from all this running! The kids have been real troopers to get their work done as best they can with us not home. I can't wait 'til next week, where we are still running into town three days a week, but only have to take school work one! I have sat in the youngest choir camp and am absolutely amazed at what the kids are learning! From the years I taught music at the Christian school, she is teaching them in four days what took me over a semester!!! Blows my mind. The kids absolutely love it. She makes the class fun, and they are learning at the same time. Amazing.

Band starts tomorrow for M, V starts band next week. Now it's going to get noisy in our house! Thankfully Daddy sleeps hard once he gets to sleep!

Friday B goes for his EEG, and we will be discussing migraines with Dr. C. Please keep praying for him!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Memories of Vacation

This is in Cade's Cove, outside Gatlinburg.
Isn't it breathtaking??

DH and I. This is actually in a cemetary outside
an old, old church in Cade's Cove. Everywhere
you look in the Cove is just gorgeous!

V, J, and his friend D. These two began acting
like they were sharing a brain as much time as
they spent together. All week, if you found J,
you found D!

C, M, and his friend T.

B and the bottom half of T in the creek on our
way to Cade's Cove. This water was so wonderful
to put our feet into. Of course, D, B, and C couldn't
resist getting completely wet!

D, M, and J standing on the rocks, in the creek.
Personally, I love this pic, it's one of my favorites
from the trip.

Friday, August 22, 2008

First week done!!!

We have finished our first week of school. Yoo-Hoo!! We are very excited. If all can keep going like this, it will be a great year.

Next week will be a bit different. Three of the kids are in homeschool choir, and they are required to attend choir camp Monday thru Thursday. So we will be going into town four days next week, and staying there all day since one is the morning, and the other is late afternoon. This means we get to pack up school, and take it with us. Yippee.

Then Friday, B has his bi-annual EEG. This means we will be getting a whopping 4 hours sleep Th. night, get up at 4am, and drive for an hour (while staying awake!) so he can fall asleep for the EEG. (The dr is looking for the brain activity that shows the epilepsy. The dr. said the kind of epilepsy he has, typically the child grows out of, so we are hoping. I do know an adult that was diagnosed with this same kind as a child, and still has seizures, so that's not 100%.) This is never a fun day! We will be asking the dr. about his migraines, though. They are increasing in severity, as well as frequency. Please pray for us concerning this appointment.

Better Days!

Yesterday went much better than the previous day, Praise the Lord!! Everyone did what they were supposed to, and got it done. I'm thinking we are still going to buy the Math-U-See geometry. I've never been intimidated by a class before, I feel kinda stupid about it. I think he would like it better as well, but we'll see...

We are in the middle of Mission's Conference at our church, and it has been great! We have a missionary family, the Daniels to Uganda, staying with our church until mid-March. Getting to know them the last few months has been really interesting, but seeing his heart for the people in last night was precious! The Lord has given us such a tremendous blessing in having this family come to Grace, I am so thankful!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Second Day, second post.

Alright, I know I need more original titles for my posts, but I'm still new at this. Give me some time!!

Ok, so today wasn't as great as yesterday. It probably would have been if one of my kids hadn't spent an hour on a lesson, and it was the WRONG lesson! So he ends up spending two and a half hours on ONE subject! I felt like I was going to pull my hair out. This is an area I need to work on- not pulling my hair out, and teaching my kids to pay attention to what they are supposed to be doing so we don't have another one of these days.

On to better things. B has been getting up with me in the mornings and reading his Bible at the same time I do for the past few mornings. This morning he was so excited because he could tell me what he was supposed to read before I told him. Then he stops me in the middle of my reading with, "Mommy, Mommy, look what I found!" Then he read Matt. 28:2 to me, and emphasized that the angel of the Lord SAT upon the stone. It was such a blessing to me to see his little face light up at something he had learned from God's Word!

M started geometry today. This is where I'm thankful for my husband! Because when I get stuck on something for M, I can get my hubby to help. Thank the Lord for a brilliant husband!!! M did very well on his assignment today, which is good, I'm glad! I'm hoping he understands this stuff like his Dad does, that would make it easier on me! Oh well, God knows. He brought us down this path, He will provide what we need when we need it!

First one, first day.

Ok, please be patient with me as I try to learn all this. (Especially since I'll be doing it without Jeffery most of the time.

Today was a monumental day in our household! It was the first day of school for the 2008-2009 year. It was a great first day, I really couldn't have asked for more than God gave us! Now our prayer is that it can continue.

Today I officially have a son that is a sophomore, a son that is in 8th grade, a 6th grade son, and my youngest son is in the 3rd grade. Today my only daughter started 5th grade. This makes me feel old!!!

I will post as often as I can, and eventually I will post pictures. (As soon as I can, our digital camera died, so we actually have to get film developed before I can post them!)

Have a great day!