Friday, October 17, we had Jeffery's birthday party at the church gym. We had a great time playing Danny Ball (my new favorite game!), volleyball, pin the tail on the donkey, and marco polo.
Here are some pictures from the party.

Our Guest of Honor.

Jeffery and his tail.

How on earth did he get big enough to light his own candles?

Present time: Morgan, Jeffery, Asia, and Kristin.

Morgan, Jeffery, and Kristin.

Brownie and ice cream time.

(L-R) Victoria, Benjamin, Daddy, Jeffery, Kristen, Lawrence, and Krista. What was Krista trying to do with that noodle???

Asia, Olivia, Victoria, Dad, Morgan, Jeffery, Victoria (And Christopher in the back)

Benjamin, Jeffery, Krista

Asia patiently waiting her turn for pin-the-tail. I believe she won.

Jeffery's best friend, Shanea.


Morgan, Ben, Jeffery, most of Ariel, Asia, Kristin, and Dad.

He loved getting the presents, he received five pounds of skittles as presents.

Krista, Olivia, Morgan, Ben, Christopher, Asia, Dad, Kristin (checking out her new phone).

Shanea, such a doll.

Victoria L., Victoria, Ariel, Olivia, Shanea, Morgan, Jeffery, Asia, Kristin, Dad.

Jeffery and Dad.

Danny Ball!!! I love this game!

It was down to Christopher and Jeffery.

More Danny Ball. (We learned this in Awana.)

Kristin, Jeffery, and Lawrence. Kristin won this round.

Asia, Victoria, Christopher, and Olivia.
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