Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Am I bad?

Is it bad to post more than once a day? I don't know. I had a lesson in pride today. I realized all of our pictures from this year that were taken with our 35 mm camera have been developed. (I even have three roles ready to pick up from Branson and AHG, so I thought I was doing pretty good!) Then I decided I would check out the memory card in my digital camera. (The camera quit on me this summer, and I've been using the 35 mm since the end of July.) I put the little card in the printer slot to load the pictures onto my desktop, there are 1404 pictures on that card!!!! Most of them from this year. YIKES! I've been waiting for all of them to download for nearly an hour and it isn't near completed yet. Maybe half way! I should have started this when we were watching CSI tonight. Alas we live, learn, and get luvs. (Anyone else remember those commercials from the early 90's?)

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