Thirteen weeks have already flown by. I know as we were doing the work it seemed to be dragging, but now I am amazed at how fast this has really gone. We are still busy as ever! We go into St. Charles county three days a week for classes for the kids. It sounds much worse than it really is. For the most part, everyone gets the majority of their school work done before we leave for the afternoon, so there isn't a lot of work left when we get to where we are going. There are exceptions to that, and if they don't have it done, and it is a possibility, they do their work in the van or where ever we happen to be.
Morgan's biology class is getting more and more interesting as the year progresses and I've already told the teacher I would help in there again next year, as Jeffery will be in there then. They have a year project due at the end of the semester that includes watching videos from Mike Riddle and Ken Hamm. This has been incredible! So often you hear evolutionists say you can't use "real science" to prove a young earth. These two men do exactly that. It has stirred some interesting discussion with relatives lately, but it has only cemented in my mind the truth of a six day creation, and God's Word.
Jeffery and I started working in Awana at church with the Trek group (junior high). Andy, the director, has asked Jeffery II to play his guitar in class, and I have loved it! It thrills this Momma's heart to see her son up there doing what he loves, and doing it extremely well. His teacher has started him working on classical guitar, which is beautiful! I can't wait to hear him get proficient at that as well.
Christopher is still playing the violin, and loves it! He enjoys pittstaccato very much, I'm hoping he will learn to love the bow as much. He is in the Bel Canto choir, and is thoroughly enjoying the class and the teacher. He really admires Mrs. Horn, for that I'm grateful. It's so much easier for a student to want to do what is required for a class when they like the teacher.
Victoria is really enjoying band. I personally think she loves that what they are learning this semester she already knows. Choir, oh my choir! She thinks Mrs. Horn practically walks on water. She comes home every week telling me "Mrs Horn said" about ten times just on the drive home.
Ben is still begging to start trumpet lessons, but it's just not the right time right now. He still practices what he learned in his lessons before, but he has to give his body time to catch up to where it needs to be to be able to play properly. We finally called the School district about speech therapy for Ben. We went to the initial consultation, and he went for the evaluation. I was quite impressed with the staff we met at those two appointments. They didn't seem to have a bad attitude toward home schooling, which was a major concern of mine. In fact, they both told me how impressed they were with Benjamin's vocabulary and his manners. We have another appointment Dec. 15 to meet with the "team", that would be Mrs. Foreman (our liaison), the speech pathologist, and my husband and I. We will set up a schedule for therapy, and possibly have his first session then.
Jeff is still working hard as ever at the real estate business, as well as his full time job. The man doesn't have enough time to breathe sometimes! He is doing his best, and I'm quite proud of him!
You’ve Been There, Haven’t You?
2 days ago
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