We had our first field trip of the school year today. Thanks to our friend Cheryl, we were able to tour the Museum of Transportation in St. Louis. It was incredible! The pics are actually in reverse order of the museum, but I don't know how to switch them around, so we are going to go backwards.
I've heard of the trip for years, Jeff went with his twin brothers when he was a teenager and climbed all over the trains. After taking pictures of their day of adventure, they were told on the way out they couldn't get on the trains. Jeff has told the kids this story I don't know how many times over the years, so today they were all excited to see where Daddy's train stories happened!

This man was our tour guide going through the train President Truman was on. He was a funny man and a real joy to be around!

This is Jeffery's friend, Amelia. She is actually inside the coal tender of one of the engines. I could not believe she went in!

The group that went: Jeffery II, Amelia, Tori, Jeff, Mason, Ben, Cheryl, Morgan, Christopher, and I. (Why, oh why do I always end up in front????)

Jeffery and Amelia hanging out after the tour.

Morgan on the other side of the kitchen in the train we had the tour through.

Morgan and I peeking at Jeff.

This giant wheel thing is a snow plow for the tracks. It's pushed by 3 engines!! Ben and Mason thought that was pretty cool!

After this pic was taken, these guys were using that blade as a slide. A man came by and said to stop. Jeffery made a comment about them getting hurt. He said, "They're kids, they're tough. I don't want them to scratch the paint."

Jeff playing conductor!



Morgan talking to Andrew while we were waiting on the tour.

Jeffery and Amelia by the really neat old luggage. I would like one of those steamer trunks for my coffee table!

I like this pic. We were all inside this HUGE engine. (The wheels to this engine were taller than I am!) This one also had a bell that the kids got to ring.

Cheryl walking on the tracks. After we had been doing this for about five minutes we were told you aren't supposed to walk on the tracks. Oops!

Tori and I. While we were taking this pic Mason and Ben kept trying to move this orange thing. I wouldn't see them, so when they would start I would jump. Looking back, it was really funny.

Ben, Mason, and Tori having a good time!

Right before Jeffery took this pic he banged his head on the edge of the ceiling above me. I felt so bad, and he's going "Just take the picture, just take the picture!"

For the record, Christopher hung upside down first. haha

The kids had to be like their Dad and climb on places they weren't supposed to go.
It was fun!

This is a three layer car carrier. They don't use these anymore because they were open, and people would vandalize the cars. Now the car carriers are closed.

They are so cool! What you may not be able to see is the sign on the ladder that says not to climb. Following Daddy...

Morgan is looking longingly at this car. It was very nice!

First, this one we were allowed to climb on. This tug boat is by the entrance.

Ben and Mason by the World War II airplane. Standing next to this was amazing!
There was sooo much there, I'm already looking forward to the next time we go!
After we got done, we all went to McAllister's Deli, my favorite place to eat. It was a wonderful day of playing together!
1 comment:
Bobbie, I enjoyed the pics! We are reading The Long Winter (and heading soon to De Smet for a visit) and when I saw the huge machine for clearing the tracks of snow, all I could think of was the 30 feet of snow packed up in the pass, preventing the train from coming through with supplies! If only ... Anyway, I wish we could have been with you...trains are special because Nate's dad (now with the Lord) worked his whole life for the railroad and I think we will for sure visit in the future...thanks for sharing!
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