Everything went really well today. We got there on time, the procedure went well, and Morgan has not had any trouble since. He said his head was hurting this evening, but his foot isn't hurting anymore than it has for the last six months. Go figure that one out! We got an extra blessing today. When we were trying to wake him up after the procedure, the nurse walks up and says "You have a visitor". It was Brad Lafferty. He is one of the funniest people I have ever met! Him, his wife, and his two kids came by to see us. We stayed in there for a half hour/ 45 minutes or so before they had to leave. I thought for sure we were disturbing the entire surgical center, but the nurse said they didn't notice us. (Thankfully!) I did get to talk to the anesthesiologist about the upper endoscopy Morgan is having next week. I didn't know if him having anesthesia twice in one week was something we should be concerned about, he said the type they use for both procedures is a rather "weak" one, and it shouldn't be a concern. (I don't remember the exact word he used, but it did assure us it would be fine.) That was really comforting! My main concern today wasn't so much the procedure, but the fact he was going to go under a general. Praise God that all worked out well.
I also Praise God for our nurse, Lyn. She was wonderful!! I think she explained everything to me at least three times, yet she was so patient. She did a great job of making Morgan comfortable, and being thorough in her job!
A really neat thing happened. After the Dr. Anesthesiologist left the room, a young woman came in, introduced herself as Robin, then explained she was going to be the nurse anesthetist that would be in the operating room with Morgan. She went over the patient information/education stuff with us, then started charting information. I asked her where she went to school: Webster. I asked her when she graduated: last year. I asked "Do you know Billy Albertson?" She said yes, she had graduated with him. (That's my brother-in-law.) So Billy, Robin said to tell you hello.
We actually ended up taking this week off from school. A little early for spring break, but we were in Iowa until noon Monday, so that took care of Monday school, I wasn't ready for school Tuesday, and couldn't get it ready Tuesday because we go to the Learning Center all day on Tuesdays, Wednesday we were actually home, but I had three kids at different level of sick. Today was Morgan's procedure, and tomorrow is Friday. (We don't school on Friday as a general rule, it's our catch up day. Tomorrow I will be working on school stuff, but the kids won't have school work until Monday. With as much as we had going on in our zoo, I told Jeff tonight it was a real blessing to not have school this week! I don't know how I could have handled it all. Thank You Lord, for the options we have with homeschooling!!!
Continue praying for Morgan as he is healing, and his upper endoscopy is Wednesday at 8:30.
Also, pray about Jeff's job at AT&T. (No, it isn't in jeopardy!!) The boss is working on rescheduling to basically cover the office in two shifts instead of three. If his boss approves, Jeff will go in at 10pm, and get off at 6am. This would: get him more sleep! (He would have time to come home and sleep between AT&T and Onesource work more often.) Get the rest of us in bed earlier, which also means up ealier! I could put the kids to bed after he leaves, so they would be easier to get up in the morning, and we could get more done in the mornings and have more free time in the afternoon. And, since he would come in before midnight on Sunday nights, there is a pay raise involved!
I hope you all have a blessed day!
You’ve Been There, Haven’t You?
2 days ago
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