Morgan's upper endoscopy was today. So far, we know nothing except one of the biopsies will be tested for celiac disease and we are supposed to get the results back next Thursday. When Dr. Rosenblum came in to discuss the test with us, he showed us pictures. It was really neat to see Morgan's insides! His esophogus, stomach, and duodenum were so pink! So now I've seen his insides, but since he was still drugged up, he hasn't. Kinda sad for him. If the biopsies don't tell us anything, he is going to order a CAT scan. He said it's not completely uncommon for kids to lose a lot of weight like that, but Morgan is still losing, so we need to figure this out.
When the anesthesiologist was taking Morgan back to the room for the procedure, he asked Morgan about school. Morgan told him he's homeschooled, the Dr. asked him "Don't you miss all the social stuff in school?" Morgan then told him about the classes the kids take. He was so surprised to hear the biology class has 14 students in there with him, so much so, when Dr. Rosenblum walked in he started telling the Dr. about it. Then when they wheeled Morgan into the recovery area, he started asking me about it and telling the nurses about it. He was absolutely shocked that homeschoolers have these things available to them, and we don't just sit at home all day. It was quite humorous!
So now we are back to waiting. We'll see what next Thursday comes back to.
You’ve Been There, Haven’t You?
2 days ago
People's reactions to homeschooling is funny, the question I get almost immediately, is:
"Do you have a lot of brothers and sisters?"
It's really funny though, because all of the people I work with, none of them have ever 'met a homeschooler' so they have all these funny ideas...It's also way fun to tell them my 13 year old sister is a freshman...that's always fun.
Thought You might enjoy...I did!
Thanks, Hannah. I found your posts after I posted the bitter homeschooler's wish list. It is amazing to me all the different reactions you get. The anesthesiologist at St. Luke's was funny because he was so amazed. You'd a thought he'd never talked to a homeschooler before. (And he very well may not have, who knows.) People like that don't bother me so much, it's the ones who are instantly critical that really drive me nuts. But you get all types in life, and you just have to learn to deal with them.
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