Alright, I know I need more original titles for my posts, but I'm still new at this. Give me some time!!
Ok, so today wasn't as great as yesterday. It probably would have been if one of my kids hadn't spent an hour on a lesson, and it was the WRONG lesson! So he ends up spending two and a half hours on ONE subject! I felt like I was going to pull my hair out. This is an area I need to work on- not pulling my hair out, and teaching my kids to pay attention to what they are supposed to be doing so we don't have another one of these days.
On to better things. B has been getting up with me in the mornings and reading his Bible at the same time I do for the past few mornings. This morning he was so excited because he could tell me what he was supposed to read before I told him. Then he stops me in the middle of my reading with, "Mommy, Mommy, look what I found!" Then he read Matt. 28:2 to me, and emphasized that the angel of the Lord SAT upon the stone. It was such a blessing to me to see his little face light up at something he had learned from God's Word!
M started geometry today. This is where I'm thankful for my husband! Because when I get stuck on something for M, I can get my hubby to help. Thank the Lord for a brilliant husband!!! M did very well on his assignment today, which is good, I'm glad! I'm hoping he understands this stuff like his Dad does, that would make it easier on me! Oh well, God knows. He brought us down this path, He will provide what we need when we need it!
You’ve Been There, Haven’t You?
2 days ago
Sounds like a great start to a crazy day LOL! What a blessing for him to read the Bible along with you.
Welcome to the Blog world ;).
Praying tomorrow goes a little smoother for ya. We are yet to start our school year, we are still trying to figure out exactly what we are going to do this year.
Stop by my blog for a visit sometime. :D
Have a wonderful evening!
~Amy (VUH)
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