This year three of our young'uns are involved in the choir with the homeschool group. Part of choir is camp, four days a week, Monday through Thursday. The youngest two go from 10:30- 11:30, the middle one goes from 2:45- 4:15. Did I mention they are held at two different churches in two different towns???? I am so completely exhausted from all this running! The kids have been real troopers to get their work done as best they can with us not home. I can't wait 'til next week, where we are still running into town three days a week, but only have to take school work one! I have sat in the youngest choir camp and am absolutely amazed at what the kids are learning! From the years I taught music at the Christian school, she is teaching them in four days what took me over a semester!!! Blows my mind. The kids absolutely love it. She makes the class fun, and they are learning at the same time. Amazing.
Band starts tomorrow for M, V starts band next week. Now it's going to get noisy in our house! Thankfully Daddy sleeps hard once he gets to sleep!
Friday B goes for his EEG, and we will be discussing migraines with Dr. C. Please keep praying for him!
You’ve Been There, Haven’t You?
2 days ago
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