I'm so glad I went to church today! Our Sunday School class is absolutely awesome!!! We have the greatest teacher, Boyd. Boyd is one of those treasures of men who share their heart, and isn't embarrassed about it. The whole church is doing a series of lessons on evangelism right now, and seeing Boyd talk about lost souls is such a blessing. He makes me realize I need a greater burden for the lost. Our class is very talkative. It's encouraging, because as Boyd teaches, others will make comments, ask questions, that kind of thing. The responses, though although sometimes difficult to swallow, are Biblical, and so encouraging! It was a hard decision to move classes, we enjoyed Bruce's class, but most of the people we were in ministries with, or had made friendships with were in Boyd's. We are both so glad we did! Thank you, Lord, for Boyd!
Today was one of those days that the energy just seemed to go on and on! We had our send off service for the Daniel's today, and that was a glad/sad time. It's so exciting for the Daniel's to get to go home, but sad for us, that we won't have them around here anymore. Thankfully, we now have email and facebook! We can talk instantly to them! No waiting months and months for letters. I was thinking today, that while our hearts definitely knit together with the Daniel's, I think God was preparing our hearts for them to be gone. They have been with us since last July, and only in the last month or two were they gone week after week, without having them in at least for a Wed. night service. I firmly believe that was God preparing us for them to not be here.
I want to thank and praise the Lord for his blessings poured out so freely to me today! Thank You!
You’ve Been There, Haven’t You?
1 day ago
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