Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's been a very Merry Christmas

I have about two hundred things to post about other than Christmas, but I only have a little time to post, so I'm gonna focus on today. Today was such an awesome Christmas! We didn't get to bed until 4 am because we were up wrapping presents. (Wrapping everything on Christmas Eve is tradition in this house, and one of my favorite nights of the year!) The kids woke us us about 8, we went to the front room read the Christmas Story from Luke 2, then prayed and opened presents. We had such a good time opening gifts and seeing the kids light up, it was wonderful!

For the afternoon, we went to my sister-in-law, Debbie's, house. We got there about 2, and got to spend time with his Mom and all of Jeff's siblings except the one brother that had to work today. It was so wonderful to just spend time with them! I hope next year we can make more of an effort to spend time with his family.

Praise the Lord for His blessings!

Pictures coming the beginning of next week!

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