Ok, so it's been a couple of years, yes years, since I last blogged anything. I had stopped doing it because the whole reason I was doing was to let family know what was going on with our schooling. The grands really like knowing what the grandkids are up to. :)
2011 has been memorable already. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for our family this year!
So far, Morgan has turned 18. We had a huge birthday party for him at the Knights of Columbus hall in Truesdale. We ended up with seventy-eight people attending (you know how homeschoolers are not socialized, right? haha). Evading, the band Morgan's best friend Andrew started a few years ago, played. We had so much fun! Putting the power point together was tougher than I thought it would be! Going through those pictures made me really miss when he was little bitty. It was pretty awesome! I'm still trying to figure out how to attach it to the blog, we'll see...
This year has been a year of mended relationships. I won't go into details, no need to. But to see the healing is so refreshing. The Bible says that bitterness eats away at you, and buddy I have seen that to be true! I was amazed at the feeling of relief!
Then came the blizzard of 2011. I keep hearing people say they didn't get much, come on over and check it out. We have about 15"! It is amazing to see it!

We did not take a snow day. I always give the kids the first day of snow off, but we've had so much snow this year I didn't see the point. We worked through, then today, when we could get out, we took them to Brunswick Zone to play Lazertag and bowling. It was the first time I have ever played lazer tag, and oh my word, what fun! I can't wait to play again! Bowling was an absolute blast! It was cheaper to bowl for 90 minutes, and get a pizza, salad, and drinks than it was to pay for just 7 games of bowling and shoes. So, of course, it was lunch! Ben had participated in Brunswick Zone's homeschool bowling this past fall. When we went in, the guy at the counter recognized him. (Which made Ben feel pretty special!) While we were bowling Ben was giving us all pointers on how to better bowl, and when we listened we could really see a difference. It was pretty cool! I was excited to break 50, as I don't do that very often. Ben had his best game ever at 99. Now his goal is to break 100. We'll see when that happens again. :)

Our first game took an hour. Christopher beat Ben by one point. We decided to see how far we could get in the second game with the 30 minutes of play time left.

Morgan started off a little slow, but overall it was great. It was a lot of fun to see how far we could get in the game before the timer ran all the way down. We decided to end it with frame 7 since everyone didn't get to bowl frame 8. If we had been doing quick play the first game, I think we would have gotten through a second game! Of course, I took pics of more than just the score screens, those pics will be on facebook. (Now that you've looked at the pics closely, I bet you are saying we are short one. Jeffery II didn't bowl today. He has been down with the flu for the last week, and just didn't have the energy to bowl after playing Lazertag.)
Thanks for reading! See ya soon!