Lately I have been listening. Listening to people in the stores, on the street, at Six Flags, at church, just everywhere. This is what I'm hearing: "OMG". Now, coming from an unsaved, or even a saved un-churched person I wouldn't be too surprised. But what is surprising is how often I'm hearing this from churched/saved people! Why have we reached the point in society that we can use initials for taking the Lord's name in vain or change the God to gosh and think it's ok? My Bible still says
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain" (Exodus 20:7)
What has been a nice shock is the number of churched/saved teenagers who have thanked me for saying something to others about it. My prayer is these teenagers would be willing to call others on what they are doing. Come on, Christians, if we aren't willing to separate our speech, why should we expect the world's speech to be any better?
You’ve Been There, Haven’t You?
1 day ago